Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Struggle of Becoming "Mom"-Part 2

"What Would Jesus Do?"--i.e. What is the Biblical model for having children?

I know many who have struggled with what God intends for our families, and how many children we should "try" for or want to have. In my Part 1 post, I stated that I think the size of family doesn't matter as much as a Godly family does. And I said there are several Biblical examples of all types/sizes of family.

Here are a few of the biblical examples, all from the book of Genesis, and all in Christ's lineage (See Matthew 1):

The Infertile Family: Genesis 18:11, "Abraham and Sarah were already old...and Sarah was past the age of childbearing." Yet, we know God had plans for Abraham, the "father of nations". He and Sarah bore one important son, Isaac. And Isaac was their one and only too (Gen. 22:2), not counting Hagaar's son, Ishmael.

Twins: Now, interestingly, Rebekah was barren. Isaac prayed on her behalf (Gen. 25: 21). And in Gen. 25:24 she had twin boys. I could not find any other mention of more children.

The Large Family: Jacob, we know had 12 sons (Gen 35:23). Six of them, and 1 daughter came from Leah--that's 7 children for Leah. And we know the 12 sons were to become the 12 tribes of Israel, and also his son Judah is in Christ's lineage.

The Adopted Child: Also, interestingly, adoption plays a HUGE role in the history of the Israelites. Moses is adopted by Pharaoh's wife (Exodus 2:10), which means Moses' mother was willing to give him away to another. God orchestrated it so the Israelites would be set free from Egypt. Moses is from the tribe of Levi...the tribe of Judah is where Christ's lineage comes from, but the Levites were the ones who upheld the Old Testament Law.

Miscarriages: There are not really any miscarriages recorded, although there were children that died (i.e. Bathsheba's first son from David died.) But that doesn't mean they didn't happened. They just may not have been recorded. Many of the infertile women may have had miscarriages. With no living children, they were considered barren.

What does all this mean? Well, the point I would like to make is this: All types of families were present in the Bible. These in particular had a special significance to the birth of Christ. It didn't matter that they had 1 child, many children, or an adopted child. They each trusted God, and their children were used for mighty things. So for us today, does that mean we should have one child or many or none. I think the answer lies in what God is leading you to do. He has shown he doesn't have to have a large army to work his plan, he needs those that are faithful and willing to follow. And he will in turn show you the right course for your family.

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