Monday, March 10, 2008

Intentionally Spilled Milk

Carrie and I are starting a new category: "Spilled Milk: No Crying." She's already posted her Top 10, and I plan to at some point. However, this past Thursday, we had a case of "intentionally poured milk." My toddler's infinitely wise maternal grandmother poured milk out of my toddler's tumbler, through the little sippy spout, into her (the toddler's) Cream of Wheat a couple of weeks ago. Toddlers, as many of you know, are born imitators and love to "help." Read on....

I'm in the kitchen making a slew of grilled cheese sandwiches when I realize that Twin A's chortling and babbling in the walker has stopped. "Why?" is always the first question that comes to mind when children fall silent. In this case, he was intently watching his toddler sister carefully try to pour milk out of her tumbler into the walker tray. I quickly put a stop to this and went to check on Twin the Johnny Jump Up. Read on....

Yep, you guessed it. Twin B was happily bouncing around in the jump up, splashing in a big milk puddle every time he hit the floor, and cackling at the sloshing milk still in the tray.

Not a day goes by in which I cease to be thankful for hardwood floors.

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