Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Tarnished Teapot

The tarnished teapot which was once bright and new
Is an everlasting reminder of who's inside of you.
Filled with cool refreshment on a summer’s day
Or warm and inviting to chase the cold away

It may look tarnished, tiresome or old
Just as we do when the world takes hold.
However, with love, tenderness and care,
It can be revived, restored and repaired.

To create more work it is not meant to do,
But serve to remind we need polishing, too.
As you polish your teapot and see the reflection,
Who’s looking back now for your inspection?

Is it God or you or the things of the world--
For remember who came and died for us all.
And just as our teapot, our lives can grow dim,
But with the Lord’s help we can soon shine again!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carrie--Did you author the "Tarnished teapot" poem? I love it!